Our team

 of pros

Hugo Tessier 

É.A., AEC - Création d'entreprise

PDG - Founder Atypique

How to start without briefly mentioning that Mr. Tessier has a neuroatypical ADHD brain profile. These individuals function differently from the norm, resulting in a divergent perception of their environment.

Mr. Tessier is an entrepreneur at heart. Curious by nature, hyper active, quick-witted,
friendly and spontaneous, he knew how to put his development talents to his development talents to good use. His career path could not be more atypical and this has contributed to forge the one he has become. He founded his first company at the age of 19 and he became passionate about real estate in his early twenties.

Before undertaking his studies in order to get his hands on his title ofcertified appraiser He went on to study management and business creation. The rest of his career has remained in line with the initial model. Throughout his career, he has founded a wide range of companies throughout his career. Basically, he has, among other things developed Groupe GPI, a fire prevention firm serving some thirty municipalities in thirty municipalities in Quebec. He also created Clubs Santés Atmosphères de Joliette et de Beloeilcompanies that are now mature, they are still ​mature, they are still under his governance.

He also made sure to develop his assets by ensuring that his real estate portfolio flourished and that it would be maintained over the long term. A park that includes residential, multi-residential and commercial buildings.​

 Finally, as you may have guessed, he is the founder of the firm Atypique - Master valuator.  A project built while He is at full maturity in many spheres of His life, which fully represents the awareness and assumption of who He is and what He desires, His strengths and weaknesses, while continuing to aspire to become the best version of  himself.

A jack of all trades, when it comes to negotiating or participating in a business or real estate transaction, he feels like a fish in water. He feels like a fish in water. He has experienced each step of a transaction many times and that's what makes him tick. Whether he is in the shoes of the buyer, the seller, the investor, the lender, the broker or finally, the appraiser, this is where he shines the brightest and this is exactly what he aspires to pass on to those who want him. He understands the client in his own way and has an entrepreneurial nature, combined with his analytical vision as an appraiser, all of which contribute to make him an atypical person, those who know him will tell you without a shadow of a doubt and it is through this distinction that he intends to help his clientele and make a difference.

Daniel Niding

Daniel Niding, BAA, CFA, Member of CPA from 1982-2016

Head of Corporate Financial Analysis Department

Daniel is simply a metronome. With a typical academic and professional background
impressive academic and professional background, this is also the image that
that accurately represents his temperament. 

Possessing an uncommon strength of analysis, he remains the quiet force in charge of everything that has to do with corporate financial analysis that is handled at Atypique.

Calm and composed, he is definitely one of the pillars of the company. Daniel is a jack of all trades, he has worked at all levels of the structure. He is an independent type of person and has always insisted on controlling his schedule. This is how he managed to work in structures of all dimensions and this, according to his ambitions. He has sometimes accepted mandates in large companies and sometimes wished to work on his own in subcontracting. 

 To name just a few of his accomplishments, in addition to finance, he also worked in real estate for a Canadian bank and developed an expertise in bank, he has also developed an expertise in the acquisition of senior citizen residences. He has also developed an expertise in the acquisition of retirement homes at the renowned North American investment firm investment firm Thibault, Messier & Savard, whose best known investor is is Mr. Serge Savard and he was Director of Finance at Lise Watier. Daniel is a true pro and his passion is valuation, acquisition and financing of businesses valuation, acquisition and financing of companies.