Pour rapport d'évaluation résidentielle jusqu'à 4-PLEX et terrain vacant
En 3 étapes faciles
Étape 1
Qui êtes-vous et à quelle adresse devrons nous facturer?
Étape 2
Quelle est l'adresse du sujet & quels sont ses détails?
Étape 3
Y a t'il un tiers partie d'impliqué?
Une banque, par exemple
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The tool designed to help you develop your projects whenever you want
En effet, vos bonnes idées ne viennent pas toujours de 9h à 5h. Quand vous avez besoin non seulement d'une réponse rapide et que vous la vouler maintenant, c'est à ce moment que vous apprécierez notre ami "Buffer". Nous vous assurons que d'ici quelques minutes "Buffer" vous aura non seulement soumis votre soumission et le prix relatif à votre demande d'évaluation, mais il vous aura également envoyé un bon de commande. Ce bon de commande vous donnera instantanément l'opportunité de réserver votre place sur notre ligne de production en signant votre offre de services. Pas d'inquiétude à y avoir, ne courez pas tout de suite chercher votre stylo, vous n'en n'aurez pas besoin. Le processus se veut entièrement virtuel et par email.
Want a quote for your residential property now?
''Buffer'' is eager to receive your requests. Click Yes or No to open the form and as soon as you complete it, it will get to work and instantly send you your quote via email along with your service offer. No commitment on your part until our visit. It's guaranteed!
Fair price policy
We are fully aware that the majority of respondents are not real estate specialists. Although we have taken care to simplify our questions as much as possible in order to make things easier for you, it is possible that some errors or omissions may have crept into your statement. Although this situation is rare, we reserve the right to adjust the service offer accordingly. In order to avoid unfortunate situations, even if sometimes it is not always possible, we prefer to declare the situation to the client as soon as possible. In an ideal world, this kind of situation would never happen, because we don't enjoy it. The truth is that some aspects of the properties simply require more production time, so we simply want the resulting fee.
We offer the ''Rush'' option at $100 for files that require it, you just have to check the box Urgent File
The amount of money is not synonymous with greed. We will go to great lengths to get an appraiser in place as soon as possible. This is a special procedure outside the standard process that requires a higher level of human involvement. We will also have to go and visit the property directly and without the possibility of matching other properties on the same road.
Third party mandat
This step is optional for a quote but should be completed if you believe we are likely to be awarded the contract.
Your evaluation report is basically dedicated to you and you alone. No one else can use it without our explicit consent, that's the law.
For example, if it was an evaluation report necessary for the approval of a loan for one of your projects, in the name of his financial institution, your financial advisor being well aware of this reality, would simply refuse to use it without our authorization
Even though the time we ask you to invest in your quote request is relatively short, we have chosen to leave this last section optional. This information is not required to obtain your quote.
However, it includes questions that are complementary to the ones in the previous sections and that is why we recommend that you complete it.
If the idea of filling out this last section puts you off, you will have the chance to fill it out anyway when you exchange with your assigned evaluator in due course. Keep in mind that as soon as you have granted us the mandate, your client access to our portal will be automatically created. You will be able to fill in your information or easily submit the requested documents. You will also discover a place where you can consult your entire Atypique history if needed.
Postal code information
'Buffer" has the entire bank of postal codes in Quebec and compares the one of each request for quotation received. It is through these that "Buffer" verifies if the property to be appraised specified in the quote request is indeed part of one of the regions served by Atypique maîtres évaluateurs. Since this is an important piece of information, we have taken measures to limit errors as much as possible. At the form stage, we only catch input errors and nothing more. In the event of situations where we need to identify territories not covered by our requests, these will be handled via an email after processing. So, if Buffer sends you a postal code error, here are the options that may arise:
- This is a new postal code and is not yet in our systems.
If you are convinced that your postal code exists and you encounter an error, replace it with one from the subject's entourage, and let us know in the comments. We will then take the necessary steps to correct the situation.
- The postal code entered simply contains an error.
Contre-vérifiez le code postal afin de trouver l'erreur.